Poll Watcher Information

F.S. 101.131 – Each candidate/political party/political committee may have only one poll watcher per polling room or early voting area at any one time during the election.

Designations of poll watchers for early voting areas and election day polling rooms shall be submitted in writing to the supervisor of elections, on a form prescribed by the division.

  • Early Voting - No later than noon at least 14 days before Early Voting begins.
  • Election Day - No later than noon of the second Tuesday before the election.

The Poll Watcher Designation form (DS-DE 125) must be submitted to the Supervisor of Elections office in person at: 4650 NW 21st Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 or via email at pollwatchers@browardvotes.gov by the following deadlines:


Poll Watcher Designation Deadlines for the 2026 Election Cycle

Municipal Election, March 10, 2026

  • Deadline for EV: *Early voting will not be available for the municipal elections.
  • Deadline for ED: Before noon, Tuesday, February 24, 2026

Primary Election, August 18, 2026

  • Deadline for EV: Before noon, Saturday, July 25, 2026 (*Before noon, at least 14 days before early voting - early voting period August 8 – 16, 2026)
  • Deadline for ED: Before noon, Tuesday, August 4, 2026

General Election, November 3, 2026

  • Deadline for EV: Before noon, Monday, October 5, 2026 (*Before noon, at least 14 days before early voting- early voting period October 19 – November 1, 2026)
  • Deadline for ED: Before noon, Tuesday, October 20, 2026

Click here to view the Poll Watcher Guide

Contact Us

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Excluding Holidays)

General Contact Information 
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683) 
Fax: 954-357-7070 

Voter Registration Information 
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683) 

Name or Address Change Information 
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683) 

Vote By Mail Request Information 
Phone: 954-357-7055 

Election Day Operations Information
Phone: 954-459-9911

Candidate Qualifying Information 
Phone: 954-712-1961