Just For Kids

U.S. government interagency Kids' Portal with links to a variety of subjects including Arts, Careers, Computers, Environment, Fighting Crime, Fun Stuff, Geography, Global Village, Government, Health, History, Homework, Money, Music, Plants and Animals, Recreation, Safety, Science, Space, and Transportation

Senate Kids
The Florida Senate Handbook for Kids

Department of State- Florida Facts
State Symbols, Florida History, Seminole History, The Capitol, FL Governors, Quick Facts

Social Security Administration
Explanation of Social Security, Social Security and Work, Saving Money through stories

Peace Corps
What is the Peace Corps, How to Make A Difference, Explore the World, Food, Friends, and Fun

for kids

FBI Kid's and Youth Educational Page
Crime Detections, Crime Prevention, Special Junior Agent Program, Games

The Central Intelligence Agency
k-5th grade, 6th - 12th grade, parents & teachers, games

United States Patent and Trademark Office
fire up your imagination, games, links, events, puzzles, who-what-when-how-why

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences kids' pages

discover & explore, what's that word, scientific kids, fun & games, you & your genes, environment & your health, reduce reuse recycle, natural world, healthy living, pollution, science - how it works, parents & teachers

United Sates Environmental Protection Agency
art room, game room, trophy case, science room, air, water, plants and animals, garbage and recycling, you and your environment

Kids in the house - office of the clerk, house of representatives
young learners, grade schoolers, middle schoolers, high schoolers

for kids

NASA kids’ club
to discover and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

for kids

Learning lab
resources, training, and support to assist caregivers, teachers, and students as they face new learning challenges

for kids

Kids voting
nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program committed to creating lifelong voting habits in children, increasing family communication about citizenship, and encouraging greater adult voter turnout.

for kids

Ben’s guide
designed to inform students, parents, and educators about the federal government, which issues the publications and information products disseminated by the gpo’s federal depository library program.

for kids

Florida state legislature
about your legislature, capital history, capital tour, state symbols, fun facts, and more

for kids

US treasury
tours & treasures, history, about savings bonds, know your money, bond calculator, dog of the month, bond wizard

for kids

The white house
history of the white house, about our president, white house kids and pets, write the president

Contact Us

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Excluding Holidays)

General Contact Information
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 954-357-7070

Voter Registration Information
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683)

Name or Address Change Information
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683)

Vote By Mail Request Information
Phone: 954-357-7055

Election Day Operations Information
Phone: 954-459-9911

Candidate Qualifying Information
Phone: 954-712-1961