Facts About Voting

MYTH: Voters will be turned away if they are wearing campaign apparel.

FACT: “Voters may wear campaign buttons, shirts, hats, or any other campaign items when they enter the polling place to vote. Voters may not otherwise campaign there.” (From the Polling Place Procedures Manual incorporated within Rule 1S-2.034, Florida Administrative Code)

So, merely going to the polls wearing campaign paraphernalia is OK, but, by statute (s. 102.031(4), Florida Statutes), one cannot solicit voters within 150 feet of the entrance to any polling place.

MYTH: The address on the driver’s license must match the address in the voter registration record in order to be able to vote.

FACT: The address on the driver’s license does not need to match the address in the voter registration record. If you have moved and haven’t changed your driver’s license to reflect your new address, that’s okay. What is important is that you vote in the precinct where you currently live, no matter what your driver’s license says.

MYTH: If a voter does not have a driver’s license, the voter cannot vote.

FACT: In order to vote at the polls during early voting or on Election Day, you must show a photo and signature identification. Acceptable forms of photo identification include: Florida driver license (quickest to process), Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway, Safety and Motor Vehicles (quickest to process), U.S. passport, Debit or credit card, Military identification, Student identification, Retirement center identification, Neighborhood association identification, or Public assistance identification. Identification must be current & valid. If your photo identification does not contain your signature, you will be required to show an additional form of identification that provides your signature.

Please note: I.D. is not required for persons who cast an Vote by Mail ballot. However, the signature on the voter registration database is compared to the signature on the voter’s certificate envelope. The two signatures must match.

MYTH: If your house is under foreclosure, you will not be able to vote.

FACT: A foreclosure notice does not necessarily mean that a person no longer resides in the home, as people often remain in the home after foreclosure begins and are sometimes able to refinance the home. Voters whose homes have been foreclosed, but who remain in their homes may continue to vote in their assigned precinct. Voters who have physically moved from their foreclosed residence with no intention of returning to that address may still vote, but should provide a change of address to the supervisor of elections. You must vote in your correct precinct.

MYTH: If you are a Florida college student, you have to change your permanent residence to your college address.

FACT: Students can maintain their voter registration at their hometown address, or they may register to vote in the jurisdiction where they attend school. Those who choose to maintain a Broward County registration will want to remember to contact our office for Vote by Mail ballots at election time.

MYTH: Provisional ballots are only counted when there is a close race.

FACT: A provisional ballot is always counted when the voter is shown to be registered and eligible, regardless of the closeness of the outcome of the election. A person who votes provisionally simply because he or she forgot ID at the polls will not have to do anything else. If the signatures on that ballot certificate and the voter roll match, the provisional ballot is counted if the provisional ballot is cast in the correct precinct.

MYTH: Vote by Mail ballots are only counted when there is a close race.

FACT: All Vote by Mail ballots are counted if properly executed, which includes making sure that the return envelope is signed and that the signature matches the voter’s signature on the voter registration database.

MYTH: If a voter owes child support or has pending warrants against him or her, the police will arrest the voter at the polls.

FACT: The voter registration rolls have no information which indicate whether a voter owes child support or has outstanding warrants. Law enforcement personnel are allowed in the polling place only to cast their ballots, so ordinarily there will not be any law enforcement personnel in the polling place to identify a voter who may have outstanding child support payments due or warrants against him or her.

MYTH: If the voter is homeless and has no legal residence, the voter may not vote.

FACT: State registration laws may not discriminate against the homeless in voter registration as long as the homeless applicant for voter registration intends to remain in a locale and has either a place where he can receive messages or an effective mailing address. The homeless person will vote in the precinct where the applicant receives messages (e.g., rescue mission) or the precinct in which the applicant‘s effective mailing address is located.

MYTH IF the voter does not have their voter information card, the voter may not vote.

FACT: The voter information card is not necessary to vote. It is a helpful tool for the voter to know their districts & polling location.

MYTH: Voters need a reason to request a Vote by Mail ballot.

FACT: Florida is a no-excuse Vote by Mail ballot state. Any qualified (registered) voters are permitted to vote absentee under Florida law. The law requires a written request signed by the voter if the request is to mail the Vote by Mail ballot to an address other than the legal residence or the mailing address on file. EXCEPTION: An absent uniformed service voter or an overseas voter is not required to have signed, written request for the ballot to be mailed to different address. (FS101.62 effective 01/01/14)

MYTH: Voters will not be allowed to vote, even if you are in line before the polls close.

FACT: Any voter who is in line at 7:00 p.m. will be allowed to vote. (See sections 100.01, Florida Statutes)

Contact Us

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Excluding Holidays)

General Contact Information
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 954-357-7070

Voter Registration Information
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683)

Name or Address Change Information
Phone: 954-357-VOTE (8683)

Vote By Mail Request Information
Phone: 954-357-7055

Election Day Operations Information
Phone: 954-459-9911

Candidate Qualifying Information
Phone: 954-712-1961